10 Milestones Duncan has reached:
-Crawling! He crawls very strangely, he drags one leg behind him. It's really funny.
-Says MaMa and DaDa
-Has 2 teeth on the bottom and hopefully some breaking through on top any day now.
-Walks while pushing his new toy, he is going to be walking soon!
-Eats anything we will give him.
-Crawls up stairs.
-Falls down, gets back up, falls down again.
-Throws tantrums... I keep telling myself isn't this too young? I'm not ready for this!
-Gives the BEST hugs and kisses EVER! Even with a little spack of the lips if we're lucky!
-Giggles at just about anythings, he is so ticklish!
We are so lucky to have this little guy. Or should I say big little guy! I will post pictures soon, our camera broke so as soon as I can put the ones I have on the computer, I will share some updated photos of us.